9 Signs You Have a Healthy Relationship

I saw this article today and thought I would share it. I am posting the article exactly how it was written by Mind Body Green writer, Jenn Scalia since she writes in perfectly to the point. 

Here are 9 signs that you're in a healthy relationship:

1. There's peace in your relationship and your home.

Your relationship should be your rock. It should be where you seek comfort, peace and the freedom to be completely you. If you find yourself repeatedly feeling anxiety or stress at home, or like you're walking on egg shells around your partner, it may be a red flag that something is not right.

2. You're encouraged to be independent and grow.

It's crucial that in a relationship, each person has their separate friends, dreams, hopes and desires. You partner should not feel as if they need total control over you and vice versa, or like you need to do everything together. In addition, there should be encouragement and support on all levels.

3. Unquestionable, undeniable respect is shared between both partners.

You not only have respect for your partner, but you have respect for the relationship and everything you do is in line with that. You respect the other person's values and dreams. During conflicts, you avoid name-calling; you seek to understand rather than "win" a fight.

4. Intimacy goes beyond the bedroom.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that chemistry in the bedroom is the end-all be-all of a relationship. Go beyond that and you are sure to create something that lasts. There are many other ways to connect with your partner on even deeper levels — spiritually, intellectually and emotionally. Having the right combination of all of these will lead to a successful partnership.

5. You're not constantly worried about what your partner is (or is not) doing.

When you're in a healthy relationship, you're not busy worrying about what your partner is doing, if they're cheating on your, if they love you, or where you stand with them. You're too busy creating a life and having adventures together to fret about whether or not your connection is valid.

6. You discuss issues with your partner, not your best friends.

I see so many relationships spiral downward because of miscommunication, or worse — no communication. If something is wrong in your relationship, it's your right to be able to approach your partner with your concerns and feelings. Instead of complaining to your friends, talk about it with your partner and attempt to fix what's bothering you.

7. You can see yourself with that person 30 years in the future.

Most people get into a relationship and see the future as just a few years down the road. Maybe getting married and having kids within a five-year span (sometimes less). Looking past the immediate future can really give you insight into whether this is the person you want to be in your life forever. Look ahead to when your children are grown, you've gotten gray or bald, and gained a few pounds. If you can't visualize a life with this person long-term, then it may be time to reevaluate.

8. You're not trying to change your partner and vice versa.

The biggest mistake people make when getting into relationships is to think that they can change their partner or worse, fix them. You must love that person unconditionally, as they are, how they are. Ask yourself if you can be with this person long term if they never, ever change. Puts things into quite a different perspective.

9. You get over things easily.

No relationship or person is perfect. No partnership is all rainbows and butterflies. There will be arguments, disagreements and disappointments. The key here is that you can work together to solve the problem. We all make mistakes, so have some compassion when your partner messes up and remember when you did. If you can resolve issues and move forward in your relationship, then you're on the right track!